


Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Wet Day Fitness

Picture taken by our Class Leader of the Day - Isabella K

It was raining on Monday - boo!!!
Wet Day Fitness is always a challenge. We had some great ideas to keep us moving even in the wet weather. Here are some of the ideas we came up with for inside fitness ...
Dancing to our favourite song
Push Ups, jumping and running on the spot
The statue game
Follow the leader

Leave us a comment if you have any good ideas for inside fitness, we need some good ideas.


  1. Perhaps you could set up the Wii, do we have Wii Fit? The whole class could try it, and different children could have a turn being the leader.


  2. Thanks Carol - that is a great idea!

  3. Hi Room 2, it is great to see that you are thinking about ways to get rid of your energy on wet days, it really does help with your learning. I'd love to try the Wii if you get it set up...I have never had a go on one and would love to learn. Liz

  4. Isabella, had you thought of Jump Jam using a data projector. You are a good leader with Jump Jam, so I'm sure you will be able to get the Adventurers going on grotty days. Nicki, Westport North.

  5. phelix and sally3 August 2011 at 16:21

    you could play charades in small groups


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